Okoti Snapshots

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Caleb's 2nd Birthday Party

Again, I've made photo albums in facebook which are much easier for me to upload, so I'll just put the links here. You don't have to have a facebook account to see the pictures. Thank you to all who made it out and endured the cramped quarters indoors. We had a blast anyway, and Caleb LOVED his party!

Album 1 of 2

Album 2 of 2

Friday, June 01, 2007

The Invite Part 2

I was much later in getting this one together. Couldn't decide on any one pictures, so I put a few.
Caleb will be turning 2 on June 9th, and we are able to have his party on the day. He didn't get a huge bash last year because of the new baby in the house, so we thought we'd give him a good one this year.

Please join us for a "Cars" themed party. Hopefully we can be outdoors, but the weather report calls for rain, so cross your fingers! We'll have the BBQ on with lots of food, so come hungry!

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Jael's 1st Birthday Party

There are too many pictures from Jael's party to post here, so I'll just put in links to the albums. Thank you to all of you who were able to make it out and make Jael's first birthday special!

Album 1 of 2

Album 2 of 2

Sunday, April 22, 2007

The Invite

Jael will be a 1 year old on May 2nd, so we're having an early birthday party for her before Ezra leaves for Romania. In case you are family or friend and never got this invitation in your e-mail, the details are here and you are welcome to join us. For anyone who can't make it, we'll be having a birthday party for Caleb on June 9th, when he turns two, so you'll have another chance (I'll try to have a little more fun stuff for the kids to do then too.)

April Fun

Here are a few photos just hanging out in the backyard.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Quick News

Just announcing the latest accomplishments of our two cuties, after all, doesn't BLOG stand for Brag Log??? ;-)

Anyway, about mid-march (somewhere in the week of the 11-17th ish) Jael started walking. She wasted no time in taking that skill to the extreme, and can now be seen attempting to jump without holding onto anything as she claps and dances to music. Jael also walks around the house now saying "nane tisa" because she hears Caleb counting a lot, and she also says her version of "Clap Clap" when you tell her to, and a pretty good "Auntie" if you catch her in a good mood.

Around that same time, we are proud to say that Caleb actually potty-trained! We still take no chances for accidents (because when he tells us he has to go, he usually means in the next few seconds) and use a diaper when we go out, but he's still good at telling us even then. He's very proud of this accomplishment, and mommy is extra happy because she hasn't had to change a dirty diaper for him in a couple weeks now! Caleb can tell you all his basic shapes: circle, square, triangle (his favourite), star, heart, oval, and rectangle, and today, out of the blue, he asked Ezra to draw a hexagon on a paper (something he must have learned from Grandpa or something). Also, he can tell you a slightly choppy version of the alphabet. This one he learned on his own, either from a toy or from TV, haven't quite figured it out yet, but he just started rattling it off one day. He just gets mixed up between J and P... the usual tricky part, I think. :-)

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Hello to Okoti Aunts, Uncles, and Grandparents

Caleb loves talking on the computer. This day we made a video to say hello to the family we have in Kenya, however Caleb was a little distracted. We ended up counting in two languages, though, and if you look closely, Jael is busy causing havoc in the background.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Crazy Jael

I think these ones speak for themselves... I'm sure many of you have been given this snorting look before too...

Friday, March 02, 2007

Haircuts Again...

This time we went really short with Caleb's hair, so it was photo-worthy, and we had to cut Jael's too because it was only growing in certain areas. No more ponytails for a while.

Jac, have a look at that one eyebrow, she's getting good practice with "the look"

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Caleb, Jael, and Mama at the Computer

I 'm just testing out another way to post video. This one looks a little better than dropshots. Anyway, it's just Caleb counting in Swahili and saying his name etc... on the webcam at our computer.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Dedication Day - Caleb and Jael

We decided to have Caleb and Jael dedicated together this year instead of individually as babies. I wasn't able to get any pictures of the ceremony, but I took these when we came home later.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Missing photos

Just added a few new posts from November and December, so you'll want to check a little farther back to see some of the newer images.