Okoti Snapshots

Friday, December 24, 2010

Cousins...a year later...

So, we didn't get time to take pictures with Christmas outfits this year, so we figured birthday suits would have to do.

Little Rascals
Was going to put some cute little captions, but really, is there anything more to be said here? Clearly one doesn't need another sibling around when they have a cousin the same age...

Friday, May 21, 2010

So much sun, So little time...

So again I have been slacking on the blog updates. This will be remedied the moment I finish all the photography work that is still pending on my computer. I hope to finish up soon, and then I'll be posting some photos from the last few months, as well as some recent shots as we've been out taking advantage of the great weather.

Until next time!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Welcome Baby!

This has been a long time coming, have had many other things on my plate, so the pictures took a backseat. But, in any event, here they are. Congratulations to mom & dad again! And thank you so much for allowing me to support you as a Doula - it was a privilege!
November 05, 2009