Okoti Snapshots

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

A Two Year Old perspective on God

So the other day, Ezra sent Caleb to his room for a time out. Upon peeking through the crack in the door, he heard Caleb talking out loud. "God, papa told me to go to my room because I was not listening. Could you go to the living room to tell him that I am a good boy?" As he twists his hand under the neckline of his shirt.

Ezra asked him about it upon entering the room a short while later. Caleb responds by showing Ezra that "I just take God out of my heart and I put him right there and talk to Him."

Tamara talks to Caleb the next day.

Mama - So Caleb, I heard you were talking to God yesterday in your room.

Caleb - Yes Mama. See? I just take Him out of my heart and put Him right there and talk to Him. I asked God to go in the living room and tell Papa that I was a good boy, but He came back and told me that I was not a good boy because I wasn't listening. See mama? He's right there and He can just walk around, and when I'm done talking I just put Him right back here in my heart."

Mama - Caleb, did someone tell you that that is how you can talk to God?

Caleb - Yes, mama, God did.

Mama - Are you sure that no one told you that you have to take God out of your heart and put Him in front of you so that you can talk to Him?

Caleb - Yes, mama, I TOLD YOU ALREADY - GOD DID!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

This and That from 2007

Jael at auntie Lavonne's house.

Totally lovin' the hot tub!

My two water babies.

Caleb got to go see a big rig with Papa and Uncle Rob.

Jael in the backyard.

Jael and Caleb at the Calgary zoo in August. Caleb is trying to be a kangaroo, I think?

Crazy kid!

Even in a box, I'm still a great poser!

Who needs a trampoline when they have a little sister?

Caleb takes a picture of his sister being tickled. Not bad for a two year old photographer!

Jael checks to see if her toes still taste as good as she remembers them...

And Caleb is not to be outdone!

Havin' a blast at the Vancouver aquarium.

Ok, maybe not the whole time was fun?!

The various Jael stare-downs

1. The death stare - this is the one we get when she is in the middle of a temper tantrum.

2. The drugged up Huh???!

3. The Classic Frown - She really loves this one and will do it until you do it back to her, and then she cracks a grin.

4. Need I say more?

And here we have Caleb trying to look all innocent.

Sleeping on Mama - favourite past-time number one.

Being tickled - Favourite past-time number two!

In case you are wondering - Yes, Jael is an aspiring Mad Scientist and Proud of it!

She'll minor in teaching daddies and grandpas how to take care of babies.

And Caleb will not give up his dream of being an engine driver one day.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Guilty as Charged!

Ok, ok, so I said that I would update this site more frequently than a website. Then I got distracted by Facebook and the ease of updating pictures and info there. I hope to be able to be a better girl this year and update my blog properly. To start, I'll just post a few random pics from the year to update you all on what has truly been happening in our busy little home.